Saturday, May 21, 2011

Palau - Part Two

Are you ready to head under the water?  If so, be at the boat at 8:30 am, geared up and ready to go!  We will be going to famous dive sites such as Blue Hole, Blue Corner, German Channel and more.

We headed out for three days of three dives each, with little pieces of paradise for our lunch spots.  Here is the wonderful group we dove with:
Lunch Spot - Maria, Jeff, Linda, Anne, Imilio, Ashley and
Hernel (who was brave enough to lead this unruly group!)

Let us introduce you to a friend of Jeff's.  He is a surgeon fish, and loves to play in bubbles. It is amazing to see other creatures seemingly "play"!   Jeff had no idea what I was filming, he just knew that I was telling him to stay there and don't move.

Palau has such a wealth of creatures under the water, some we have never seen before, and therefore we took many many pictures.  We have put the best into a variety of videos so that you can see as much as possible without getting too bored (we hope).  Ready?

We saw at least one of Jeff's favourites every dive:

These sleek, graceful creatures (new to us) were so much larger than these pictures show:

Ah, another first for us....we hooked onto the reef in the current and just watched them go by:

Another first - a cave dive.  Chandelier Cave has four caverns we surfaced in on this trip:

One last video of just a glance into more of God's creation that we were so fortunate to see....giant clams, Napoleon wrasses (HUGE), trigger fish making her nest (moving rocks and coral with her mouth), anemone fish, "falling" down Blue Hole, barracuda, schools of jacks, big eyes looking so sad, colourful and small mandarin fish, moray eels, lion fish, school of mackerels, and just enjoying the time together.  Seriously, does life get any better than this?

 We hope you enjoyed this trip to Palau as much as we did! 
 As usual, we love you all....Diving Buddies for Life, Linda and Jeff

1 comment:

  1. Very cool and great music! Makenna was completely enthralled by it all. Although, now she thinks we should go. I told her it would be a bit of a hike to get there. Maybe when she is older.
    Are you coming to Canada at all in the summer? Hope all is well.
    Take care.
